"Why Plaintiffs' Attorneys Smile When They Discover You Haven't Kept Your Estate, Business, and Asset Protection Plan Compliant..."
Dear Friend,

It's a fact that...
Even the best structured plans weaken over time, if not regularly updated and maintained
Recent IRS challenges and court cases have accentuated the need for regular maintenance and management of your business entities. Also, recently released IRS guidelines for family limited partnerships instruct IRS agents to examine the actual operation of the FLP, including whether required annual meetings are being held.

Some of the more common mistakes include:
  • ​Failure to properly establish and transfer assets into the entity
  • ​Failure to operate the FLP, LLC, etc. as a separate entity
  • ​Commingling entity funds with personal funds
  • ​Paying personal bills with entity funds
  • ​No initial organizational meeting
  • ​Failure to properly conduct business in the name of the entity
  • ​No annual filings with the state
  • ​Failure to actively manage the entity
  • ​Commingling business and personal assets, purchases, expenses, cash and transactions
  • ​Borrowing money without arm's length provisions
  • ​Failure to adopt corporate bylaws
  • ​No current corporate records
  • ​No accounting records
  • ​Failure to have regular Board of Directors meetings
  • ​Failure to have annual Shareholder meetings
And the list goes on. If you are making any of these common mistakes then any plaintiff's lawyer may be able to convince the court that your entities should be disregarded…exposing your assets to court judgments. This sabotages the good plan we helped you create!
Asset Stronghold is a service we've designed to help you manage and maintain your entities. It keeps the armor around your Asset Protection Plan…insulating your assets from frivolous lawsuits and opportunists looking for a quick buck.

Consider Asset Stronghold a regular check-up service that will maintain and update your planning and significantly fortify your entities against an attack.

When you put Asset Stronghold to work, it will allow you to easily…
  • Manage and maintain your entities…without you having to learn and track the nuances of the law
  • Hold and document required meetings
  • Make sure all your legal work is current and updated…giving you an opportunity to make any needed changes
  • ​Ensure all entities are registered and properly renewed each year
  • ​Properly coordinate new assets with your plan
  • ​Obtain the meeting minutes that are required (or suggested) for each of your business entities
  • ​Coordinate your planning with your other advisors
  • ​Discuss new strategies and opportunities
  • ​Adapt to changes in your business and personal life
  • ​Update schedules of assets, lease agreements, annual gifting, etc.
Because of the increased maintenance demanded by recent litigation and IRS guidelines, we are strongly recommending Asset Stronghold to all of our clients, new and existing.

For such a comprehensive service provided by experienced attorneys, you could expect to pay thousands of dollars. In fact, we know of companies that charge over $5,000 dollars annually for similar service.

Fortunately, we can provide this service for significantly less because we know your plan intimately. Because this service protects the integrity of what we've created, we want as many of you as possible to subscribe…so we are offering this service to our loyal, existing clients at a discounted fee.

The annual cost of Asset Stronghold is just $1,467. That investment provides the essential maintenance to keep your structure strong and updated.

We are also providing a guarantee. Because we're confident that you'll see the value of this service, we are including a 100% money back guarantee for the full first year of service. If at any time during your first year of service you aren't completely satisfied, just say the word and we'll refund your money.

In summary, we're offering you a service that will maintain the integrity and protection of the plan you've implemented, with your 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

Simply click on the link below to subscribe…
Click HERE To Sign Up Now
Thank you for this opportunity to continue to serve you.
Scott L. Soelberg, JD, LL.M
Chris B. Turner, J.D.
Asset Stronghold.com Copyright ©2022 | All Rights Reserved

837 East 1200 South
Orem, Utah 84097

Phone: (801) 494-8494